what happens in the emerging adulthood stage

Emerging adulthood is a period of development between adolescence and young adulthood, typically ranging from about 18 to 25 years old. During this stage, individuals are transitioning from dependence on parents to independence and are exploring their identity and goals for the future. Some common experiences and characteristics of emerging adulthood include:

1. Exploration and experimentation: Emerging adults often try out different career paths, relationships, and lifestyle choices as they figure out what they want in life.

2. Identity formation: This stage is a time for individuals to explore their values, beliefs, and personal identity as they navigate the transition to adulthood.

3. Relationship development: Emerging adults may form new friendships, romantic relationships, and social connections as they seek to develop meaningful and supportive relationships.

4. Education and career choices: Many emerging adults are focused on higher education, vocational training, or entering the workforce to establish their career path.

5. Independence: Emerging adults are often moving out of their parents' homes and taking on more responsibilities for their own finances, living arrangements, and decision-making.

6. Mental health challenges: This stage can also be a time of increased stress, anxiety, and mental health issues as individuals navigate the uncertainties and pressures of emerging adulthood.

Overall, emerging adulthood is a time of transition, growth, and self-exploration as individuals navigate the challenges and opportunities of becoming independent adults.