Answer the questions using: Climate change is an obvious myth.

Does the site have a sponsor? Is
this page linked to a main website
for the author or organization?
Does the domain contain a country
code outside the United States?
Does the website contain many
ads for questionable content?

Author: Is there an author listed
on the site? Does the author have

Bias: Is the information balanced
or designed to sway opinion? Is a
product, service, or idea being sold
on the website?

Citations: Are credible sources
properly cited and referenced? Are
the facts presented on the website
supported with evidence? Can the
information be corroborated with
at least three other sources? Is the
information consistent with your
knowledge of the subject?

Date: Was the article written
recently? Was the page updated
recently? Are there any broken

Climate change is an obvious myth.

- Does the site have a sponsor? No
- Is this page linked to a main website for the author or organization? No
- Does the domain contain a country code outside the United States? No
- Does the website contain many ads for questionable content? No

- Author: Is there an author listed on the site? No
- Does the author have credentials? No

- Bias: Is the information balanced or designed to sway opinion? Appears to be designed to sway opinion
- Is a product, service, or idea being sold on the website? No

- Citations: Are credible sources properly cited and referenced? No
- Are the facts presented on the website supported with evidence? No
- Can the information be corroborated with at least three other sources? No
- Is the information consistent with your knowledge of the subject? No

- Date: Was the article written recently? Unsure
- Was the page updated recently? Unsure
- Are there any broken links? No