Find the area of the trapezoid by decomposing it into other shapes (1 point) cm2

To find the area of the trapezoid, we can decompose it into a rectangle and two right triangles.

Let's label the trapezoid:
- Top base: 8 cm
- Bottom base: 12 cm
- Height: 5 cm

First, we can find the area of the rectangle:
Area = base x height
Area = 12 cm x 5 cm = 60 cm²

Next, we can find the area of the two right triangles:
Area = 1/2 x base x height
Area = 1/2 x (12 cm - 8 cm) x 5 cm
Area = 1/2 x 4 cm x 5 cm = 10 cm² (for each triangle)

Now, we can add the area of the rectangle and the two triangles together to find the total area of the trapezoid:
Total Area = Rectangle Area + 2 x Triangle Area
Total Area = 60 cm² + 2 x 10 cm²
Total Area = 60 cm² + 20 cm² = 80 cm²

Therefore, the area of the trapezoid is 80 cm².

are you sure tht's the rightanswer

Let's double-check the calculation:

The area of the rectangle is:
Area = 12 cm x 5 cm = 60 cm²

The area of each triangle is:
Area = 1/2 x base x height
Area = 1/2 x (12 cm - 8 cm) x 5 cm
Area = 1/2 x 4 cm x 5 cm = 10 cm² (for each triangle)

Adding the area of the rectangle and the two triangles:
Total Area = Rectangle Area + 2 x Triangle Area
Total Area = 60 cm² + 2 x 10 cm²
Total Area = 60 cm² + 20 cm² = 80 cm²

Therefore, the total area of the trapezoid is 80 cm². This is the correct answer. If there is a specific mistake you have noticed, please let me know so I can address it.