Circular play mat has a diameter of 6 ft what is the circumference in feet of the play mat rounded to the nearest contract use 3.14 for pi

To find the circumference of a circle, you use the formula C = πd where d is the diameter of the circle.

Given that the diameter of the play mat is 6 ft, we can plug that into the formula and use 3.14 for π:

C = 3.14 x 6
C = 18.84 ft

Therefore, the circumference of the play mat rounded to the nearest tenth is 18.8 ft.

What is the area of the mat in square feet remember to use 3.14 for pi into round to the nearest hundreth

To find the area of a circle, you use the formula A = πr^2 where r is the radius of the circle. Since we have the diameter of 6 ft, we need to find the radius first.

The radius is half of the diameter, so:
r = 6 ft / 2 = 3 ft

Now, we can calculate the area:
A = 3.14 x (3)^2
A = 3.14 x 9
A = 28.26 sq ft

Therefore, the area of the play mat rounded to the nearest hundredth is 28.26 sq ft.