How can we solve food insecurity while reducing food waste? (1 point)

• donate unused food to food banks
O don't throw scraps in the landfill
• purchase only as much food as you need
• inventory food supplies to avoid overbuying

• Implement composting programs for food scraps

• Educate the public on meal planning and proper food storage techniques
• Support local farmers and food producers to reduce transportation costs and food waste
• Advocate for policies that address food waste at the government level
• Encourage businesses to donate excess food to charities or shelters
• Promote community sharing programs for excess food
• Implement technology solutions to track and manage food inventory efficiently
• Support food recovery programs that rescue and redistribute surplus food to those in need
• Encourage restaurants and food service providers to portion meals appropriately and offer smaller portion options.


• Implement composting programs for food scraps

thats not a chooice i gave uuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!11!!!11111

I apologize for that oversight. Here is the chosen response:

• Donate unused food to food banks