Explain why it is said that the sun never set on the Spanish Empire.

The phrase "the sun never set on the Spanish Empire" refers to the vast extent of territory controlled by Spain during its peak as a global power. At its height, the Spanish Empire stretched across three continents (Europe, the Americas, and Asia) and included territories such as Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, the Southern United States, Mexico, Central America, parts of Africa, the Philippines, and various Caribbean islands.

Due to the strategic locations of these territories, the sun was always shining on some part of the Spanish Empire, allowing Spain to have a continuous presence and influence throughout the day. This widespread control of territories across different time zones contributed to the idea that the sun never set on the Spanish Empire.

The phrase is also symbolic of Spain's dominance and power during this period, as it was able to assert control over a vast expanse of land and maintain a global empire that was unmatched in size and influence.