a wall in marcus’s bedroom is 8 2/5 feet high and 16 2/3 feet long. if he paints 1/2 of the wall blue, how many square feet will be blue?

First, we need to find the area of the wall.

Area of the wall = height x length
Area of the wall = 8 2/5 feet x 16 2/3 feet

To multiply fractions, we need to convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions.

8 2/5 = (5*8+2)/5 = 42/5
16 2/3 = (3*16+2)/3 = 50/3

Area of the wall = 42/5 feet x 50/3 feet
Area of the wall = (42 x 50) / (5 x 3) = 2100 / 15
Area of the wall = 140 square feet

Now, if Marcus paints 1/2 of the wall blue, we need to find out how many square feet that is.

Blue area = 1/2 x 140
Blue area = 140 / 2
Blue area = 70 square feet

Therefore, Marcus will paint 70 square feet of the wall blue.