How would a visual effects designer working on an animated movie with humans characters best use knowledge of boloegy

A visual effects designer working on an animated movie with human characters could benefit greatly from knowledge of biology in several ways:

1. Understanding human anatomy: Having a strong understanding of human anatomy, including the skeletal structure, muscular system, and proportions of the human body, can help the designer create more realistic and believable characters.

2. Movement and expressions: Knowledge of biology can help the designer accurately portray the way humans move and express emotions. This can help create more lifelike and expressive characters in the animated movie.

3. Rendering realistic textures: Understanding the different textures found in the human body, such as skin, hair, and eyes, can help the designer create more realistic and detailed characters.

4. Physiological reactions: Knowledge of biology can help the designer accurately visualize and depict how the human body reacts to different environmental factors, such as changes in temperature or physical exertion.

Overall, applying biology to their work can help the visual effects designer create more realistic and engaging human characters in the animated movie.