Why might a company decide against using hydroelectric energy as an alternative energy resource?(1 point) Responses Gathering it creates noise pollution for surrounding areas. Gathering it creates noise pollution for surrounding areas. Gathering it requires pulling from unclean sources. Gathering it requires pulling from unclean sources. Gathering it releases carbon dioxide gases into the air. Gathering it releases carbon dioxide gases into the air. Gathering it can have a negative effect on natural habitats.

- The location of the company may not have access to a suitable water source for hydroelectric power generation.

- The initial costs of building a hydroelectric power plant may be too high for the company to afford.
- The company may be located in an area prone to drought, which would limit the availability of water for hydroelectric power generation.
- The company may have concerns about the environmental impact of constructing a dam or altering a river for hydroelectric power generation.
- The company may prefer to invest in alternative energy sources that are more easily scalable or have a quicker return on investment.