What is a no limits fallacy

A no limits fallacy is a type of logical fallacy where someone argues that a concept or idea has no limits or boundaries, and therefore must be true or possible in all circumstances. This kind of reasoning is flawed because it assumes that just because there are no apparent limits to something, it must be true or possible in all situations, which is often not the case. It is important to be cautious of this type of fallacy in order to ensure that arguments are based on sound reasoning and evidence.

Explain in simple terms

A no limits fallacy happens when someone says that because something doesn't have any boundaries or restrictions, it must always be true or possible. This is a mistake because just because something seems limitless doesn't mean it's always true. It's important to be careful of this kind of thinking and make sure to use evidence and logic to support our arguments.

Make an example of a no limits fallacy using the Incredible Hulk

An example of a no limits fallacy using the Incredible Hulk could be:

Person A: The Hulk is incredibly strong and can lift huge objects without any effort. Therefore, he must be able to lift anything, no matter how heavy.

Person B: That's not necessarily true. Just because the Hulk can lift cars and buildings doesn't mean he can lift something as heavy as the planet or the entire universe. There are likely limits to his strength, even though they may not be explicitly stated. This is an example of a no limits fallacy, assuming that just because the Hulk is extremely strong in certain situations, he must be limitless in strength in all situations.