What is the probability of landing on the pink sector if we take 20 spins how many times would it land on pink theoretical probability?

In order to determine the theoretical probability of landing on the pink sector, we need to know the total number of sectors on the spinning wheel and the number of sectors that are pink.

Let's assume that there are 10 sectors on the spinning wheel, and only 1 sector is pink. The probability of landing on the pink sector in one spin would be 1/10.

If we take 20 spins, the probability of landing on the pink sector in each spin remains the same at 1/10. Therefore, the theoretical probability of landing on the pink sector in all 20 spins would be (1/10) * 20 = 2 times.

However, it is important to note that this is the theoretical probability. In reality, the actual number of times the pink sector will be landed on in 20 spins may vary.