Assess which factors led to lasting democracy in India.

A. economic potential, diverse perspectives, civically motivated population

B. diverse perspectives, popular politicians, civically motivated population

C. economic potential, strong military, civically motivated population

D. economic potential, diverse perspectives, well-educated politicians

The factors that led to lasting democracy in India primarily include economic potential, diverse perspectives, and a civically motivated population. The economic potential of India has allowed for the development of a stable middle class and economic growth, which has supported the democratic system. Additionally, the country's diverse perspectives have contributed to a more inclusive and representative democracy, as different voices and opinions are taken into account. The presence of a civically motivated population that actively participates in the democratic process through voting, activism, and engagement has further strengthened the democratic system in India. Well-educated politicians also play a role in upholding democratic values and institutions, but they are not the primary factors that have led to lasting democracy in India.