1. Clock signal for timer Tim3 is 80 MHz. Channel 1 of the timer is configured in input capture counter reset mode (rising edge polarity). The value of TIM3_PSC is 79. The value of Tim3_CCR1 register determined in input capture interrupt handling function is 2000. Determine the period of the incoming signal. Show your work.

First, we need to calculate the actual frequency of the timer Tim3 using the prescaler value (TIM3_PSC) and the clock signal:

Timer frequency = Clock signal / (TIM3_PSC + 1)
= 80 MHz / (79 + 1)
= 1 MHz

Next, we need to calculate the time period of the incoming signal using the value from the Tim3_CCR1 register:

Period = (CCR1 + 1) / Timer frequency
= (2000 + 1) / 1 MHz
= 2001 microseconds

Therefore, the period of the incoming signal is 2001 microseconds.