Mr Gemechu was famous rural area farmer of south west shoa zone. He got the habit of farming from his father Tolera Hingabu and the farming style was traditional. Recently, Mr Gemechu called his two sons and told them that they have to take over all land to plough, harvest, and collect the crops in a secured way because he has a fear of government official as he was credited with the government loan which has not been payed yet. Now, the two brothers are shared the lands and start ploughing. harvesting, and collecting in both traditional and modern farming mechanism through the man called Hata'u Hunduma.

Write java code by using polymorphism shortly

public class Farmer {

public void farming() {
System.out.println("Farming using traditional methods");

public class ModernFarmer extends Farmer {
public void farming() {
System.out.println("Farming using modern methods");

public class AgricultureManagement {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Farmer brother1 = new Farmer();
Farmer brother2 = new ModernFarmer();
