Volume of Prisms & Pyramids Discussion In your journal, you wrote about calculating the amount of concrete needed for a building project. You used the relationship between the volume of a prism and the volume of a pyramid. Pyramids have been used in building all over the world from ancient times in Egypt, Mexico, Italy, and Japan, to modern times in France and the United States. Use your research on a pyramid-shaped building and your knowledge of volume for a discussion giving consideration to purpose. Begin the discussion by responding to the following prompt: In your post, discuss the following with your peers: Identify the chosen building. Why do you think the architect chose a pyramid for the shape of the building? How would you design this building as a prism? Justify. How would the change in shape affect the construction of the building? How would the change in shape affect the use of the building? Use the concept of volume in this post. Then read two of your peers’ posts. Respond to two of your peers: For each post, explain why the pyramid or prism is a better shape for the building. How would you improve on the identified pyramid-shaped building? How would you improve on the alternate prism-shaped building?


One example of a pyramid-shaped building is the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France. The architect, I.M. Pei, chose a pyramid as the shape for the building as a modern and striking contrast to the traditional architecture of the Louvre Museum. The pyramid also symbolizes light, transparency, and unity, which Pei believed reflected the values of the museum.

If I were to design the Louvre Pyramid as a prism, I would likely create a rectangular prism with a similar base area to the pyramid. The prism would have straight edges and flat faces, providing a more traditional and stable appearance compared to the pyramid. The change in shape from a pyramid to a prism would affect the construction of the building in terms of structural support. The pyramid shape distributes weight more evenly to the base, whereas a prism may require additional reinforcement to support the weight of the structure.

The change in shape from a pyramid to a prism would also affect the use of the building. The Louvre Pyramid is designed as an entrance to the museum, with its unique shape drawing visitors towards the main entrance. A prism-shaped building may not have the same visual impact and may not serve as a focal point or landmark for the museum.

In considering the concept of volume, the pyramid shape of the Louvre Pyramid allows for a more compact and efficient use of space compared to a prism. The sloping walls of the pyramid create a more dynamic interior space, whereas a prism may have more traditional and boxy rooms.

In response to my peers' posts, I would argue that the pyramid shape is a better fit for the Louvre Pyramid because of its symbolic meaning and visual impact. However, an improvement on the existing pyramid-shaped building could be to incorporate more sustainable materials and energy-efficient design elements. If the Louvre Pyramid were to be transformed into a prism, I would suggest adding more windows to bring in natural light and ventilation, as well as incorporating green roofs or solar panels for energy efficiency.


I chose the Louvre Pyramid in Paris as the building for discussion. The architect chose a pyramid shape to provide a modern and striking contrast to the traditional Louvre Museum architecture, symbolizing light, transparency, and unity.

If I were to design the Louvre Pyramid as a prism, I would create a rectangular prism with similar base area. The change in shape would affect construction, requiring additional support for the weight. The use of the building would be impacted as the visual impact and focal point may not be as strong compared to a pyramid.

The pyramid shape of the Louvre Pyramid allows for more efficient use of space and dynamic interior. An improvement on the existing pyramid-shaped building could include more sustainable and energy-efficient design elements. The pyramid shape is better for the Louvre Pyramid due to its symbolism and impact. If transformed into a prism, adding more windows and sustainable features could enhance the building.

as a 7th grader

For my discussion, I chose the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, designed by architect I.M. Pei. The architect chose a pyramid shape for the building to give it a modern and unique look that stands out from the traditional architecture of the Louvre Museum.

If I were to design the Louvre Pyramid as a prism, I would make it a rectangular prism with straight edges and flat faces. This change in shape would affect how the building is constructed because the prism would need more support to handle the weight evenly.

The change in shape from a pyramid to a prism would also impact how the building is used. The pyramid shape draws attention as an entrance to the museum, while a prism may not have the same visual impact. The pyramid shape also allows for a more compact and efficient use of space inside.

In response to my peers' posts, I believe the pyramid shape is better suited for the Louvre Pyramid because it makes a statement and serves as a focal point. Improving the existing pyramid-shaped building could involve adding more sustainable features. If the Louvre Pyramid were a prism, incorporating more windows for natural light and energy-efficient design elements could enhance the building.

chose a diffrent place

For my discussion, I chose the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. The architect chose a pyramid shape for the building to create a visually stunning and iconic structure that stands out in the Singapore skyline.

If I were to design the Marina Bay Sands as a prism, I would create a rectangular prism with similar base dimensions. The change in shape would impact the building's construction, requiring additional structural support to handle the weight of the building evenly.

The change in shape from a pyramid to a prism would also affect the building's use. The pyramid shape of the Marina Bay Sands allows for unique and spacious interior spaces like the sky park at the top. Changing it to a prism may result in a more traditional and boxy interior layout.

In response to my peers' posts, I believe the pyramid shape is a better choice for the Marina Bay Sands because it adds to the building's visual appeal and uniqueness. Improving the existing pyramid-shaped building could involve incorporating more sustainable features and energy-efficient design elements. If the Marina Bay Sands were a prism, adding more windows and green spaces could enhance the building's functionality and sustainability.

write as a 7th grader

I picked the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore for my discussion. The architect chose a pyramid shape because it looks cool and stands out in the skyline of Singapore.

If I were to design the Marina Bay Sands as a prism, I would make it a rectangular shape with straight edges. This change would affect how the building is built because it would need more support to hold up the weight evenly.

Changing the shape from a pyramid to a prism would also change how the building is used. The pyramid shape gives more space inside for things like the sky park, which might not be the same with a prism shape.

I think the pyramid shape is better for the Marina Bay Sands because it looks unique and cool. To make the pyramid building even better, we could add more eco-friendly features. If the Marina Bay Sands were a prism, adding more windows and green spaces could make it better for sustainability and looks.