Describe the characteristics of grammar-translation method.

1. Focus on written language: The grammar-translation method places a heavy emphasis on the written form of language, with students spending a significant amount of time translating between their native language and the target language.

2. Emphasis on grammar rules: The method focuses on teaching grammar rules and structures in a systematic and organized way. Students are expected to memorize and understand the rules of the language in order to correctly translate texts.

3. Limited use of speaking and listening skills: The method tends to prioritize written language over spoken language, so students may have limited opportunities to practice speaking and listening skills in the target language.

4. Translation as a central activity: Translation exercises are a key component of the grammar-translation method, with students often asked to translate texts from the target language into their native language and vice versa.

5. Teacher-centered approach: In the grammar-translation method, the teacher plays a central role in instructing and guiding students, with a focus on explaining grammar rules and correcting errors.

6. Emphasis on accuracy over fluency: The method places a strong emphasis on accuracy in language use, with an emphasis on correct grammar and vocabulary usage rather than fluency in speaking or writing.

7. Limited use of authentic materials: Authentic materials such as newspapers, magazines, and videos are not commonly used in the grammar-translation method, as the focus is on mastering grammar and translation skills rather than real-world communication.