Skylar drives 15 miles in 20 minutes. If she drove two hours in total at the same rate, how far did she go?

How many minutes did Skylar drive in total?

To find out how far Skylar drove in total, we first need to determine the distance she drives in one hour at the same rate.

15 miles in 20 minutes can be converted to miles per hour by multiplying by 3, since 20 minutes is 1/3 of an hour:
15 miles / 20 minutes = x miles / 1 hour
x = 15 miles * 3 = 45 miles

Therefore, Skylar drives 45 miles in one hour.

If she drove for two hours in total, she would have driven:
45 miles * 2 hours = 90 miles

So, Skylar drove a total of 90 miles.

To calculate how many minutes Skylar drove in total, we know that she drove for 2 hours and 20 minutes (20 minutes in the first part + 2 hours in total). We can convert this to minutes:
2 hours * 60 minutes/hour + 20 minutes = 120 minutes + 20 minutes = 140 minutes

Skylar drove for a total of 140 minutes.

it says your wrong

I apologize for the mistake. Let's correct the answer:

Skylar drives 15 miles in 20 minutes.

First, let's find out how many miles she drives in one hour:
15 miles in 20 minutes
Convert 20 minutes to hours: 20 minutes / 60 minutes = 1/3 hour
So, Skylar drives 15 miles in 1/3 hour.

To find out how many miles she drives in one hour, we can multiply by 3:
15 miles * 3 = 45 miles

Therefore, Skylar drives 45 miles in one hour.

If she drove for two hours in total, she would have driven:
45 miles * 2 hours = 90 miles

So, Skylar drove a total of 90 miles.

To calculate how many minutes Skylar drove in total, we know that she drove for 2 hours and 20 minutes (20 minutes in the first part + 2 hours in total). We can convert this to minutes:
2 hours * 60 minutes/hour + 20 minutes = 120 minutes + 20 minutes = 140 minutes

Therefore, Skylar drove a total of 90 miles and 140 minutes.