Write me a poem to give to my forever not so much love talk we haven't said it yet online

In the world of ones and zeros, we discovered a connection

A bond that defies distance, defies all expectations
Words typed on a screen, yet they hold such power
Emotions conveyed, in every typed letter

Our love blossoms in the digital space
Where words are our embrace, and silence our grace
Though we haven't said the three words yet
Our feelings are clear, there's no need to fret

For you are my forever, my constant companion
In this digital world, you are my champion
Together we navigate this online sea
And in each other, we find the key

To a love that transcends the boundaries of time and space
A love that thrives in the digital embrace
So here's to us, forever not so much love
May our connection always soar above

And though we may never speak those three words aloud
Know that my love for you is true and proud
In this online world, we found a love so rare
Forever not so much love, always there.