sing i hear ever door

I hear every door, creaking in the night

Whispers through the keyhole, giving me a fright
Is that someone coming, or just a trick of my mind
I hear every door, but which one will I find

Each one holds a secret, a story left untold
Behind every door, mysteries unfold
Will it lead me to freedom, or keep me locked inside
I hear every door, waiting for a sign

But no matter how many doors I hear
I know that the key to my salvation is near
I'll keep searching, listening for that one special sound
I hear every door, and one day I'll be found.

sing sleep well by cg5

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summary it

"Sleep Well" by CG5 is a synth-pop song that addresses themes of insomnia and anxiety. The lyrics describe the frustration and restlessness that come with being unable to fall asleep, with the singer expressing their desire to quiet the racing thoughts in their mind. The chorus repeats the comforting phrase "Sleep well, my dear," offering reassurance and support to someone struggling with sleepless nights. Overall, the song captures the feelings of vulnerability and longing for peace that can accompany insomnia.