How to get rid of a dragon in a story if it has a limitation on their stamina and energy

1. Exploit the dragon's limitations: Find a way to exhaust the dragon by forcing it to use up its stamina and energy in battle or through prolonged physical exertion.

2. Set a trap: Create a situation where the dragon must expend all of its energy to escape or to survive, leaving it vulnerable and weakened.

3. Weaken the dragon further: Utilize magical or technological means to drain the dragon's energy or reduce its stamina, making it easier to defeat.

4. Call for reinforcements: Bring in allies or other powerful beings to assist in wearing down the dragon and ultimately defeating it.

5. Exploit a weakness: Determine if the dragon has any specific weaknesses that can be utilized to drain its energy and stamina more quickly, such as exposure to a certain element or substance.

6. Outsmart the dragon: Use cunning and strategy to outmaneuver the dragon and force it to overextend itself, leading to its eventual defeat.

7. Utilize distractions: Create diversions or obstacles that force the dragon to expend energy on tasks other than hunting or protecting itself, weakening it in the process.