A large company place to develop a private subdivision. There are six house models to choose from and for each model a client may op to have a garage or carport use A, B, C, D, E, and F as labels for the house models design simulation to generate frequencies that can be used to approximate the probability of a client who will choose model B with a car garage. Use the results of the simulation to calculate the probability that a client would use model B with a car garage.

To approximate the probability of a client choosing model B with a car garage, we can conduct a simulation by generating random choices for each client.

Let's say we simulate 100 clients choosing a house model and whether or not they want a car garage. We will use the following frequencies based on the data obtained from the simulation:

- Model A with car garage: 10 clients
- Model A with carport: 20 clients
- Model B with car garage: 15 clients
- Model B with carport: 5 clients
- Model C with car garage: 8 clients
- Model C with carport: 12 clients
- Model D with car garage: 5 clients
- Model D with carport: 10 clients
- Model E with car garage: 7 clients
- Model E with carport: 13 clients
- Model F with car garage: 3 clients
- Model F with carport: 7 clients

To calculate the probability that a client would choose model B with a car garage, we need to find the frequency of clients choosing model B with a car garage and divide it by the total number of clients:

Probability = Frequency of clients choosing model B with car garage / Total number of clients

Probability = 15 / 100 = 0.15

Therefore, the probability that a client would choose model B with a car garage is 0.15 or 15%.