How does the Treaty of Versailles hold Germany accountable for its actions? How do you think Germans would feel about this? Explain your answer.

Use these sentence starters to organize your thoughts:

One way the Treaty of Versailles holds Germany accountable for its actions is…
Germany is held accountable by the Treaty of Versailles through…
The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany's accountability can be seen in…

(2 points)

One way the Treaty of Versailles holds Germany accountable for its actions is by placing sole blame for World War I on Germany, resulting in the country being required to pay reparations to the victorious Allied powers.

Germany is held accountable by the Treaty of Versailles through the loss of territory, military restrictions, and financial penalties.

The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany's accountability can be seen in how it fueled resentment and humiliation among the German population. Many Germans viewed the treaty as unjust and harsh, leading to a sense of betrayal and anger. This ultimately contributed to a desire for revenge and laid the foundation for the rise of extremism in Germany, such as the Nazi party.

Overall, Germans likely felt a deep sense of injustice and bitterness towards the Treaty of Versailles for holding them solely responsible for the war and imposing such severe consequences. This likely fueled nationalist sentiments and a desire to rectify what many saw as an unfair punishment.