The table of values shows a linear relationship between `x` and `y`.

x:−7, −2, 3, 8
y:9,1 ,−7,−15

What is the slope of the line represented by the table of values? (HINT: There are two videos below that show how to find slope).

To find the slope of the line represented by the table of values, we first need to calculate the change in y and the change in x between two points on the line.

Let's take the first two points (-7, 9) and (-2, 1):
Change in y: 1 - 9 = -8
Change in x: -2 - (-7) = -2 + 7 = 5
So, the slope between these two points is -8/5.

Now let's take the next two points (-2, 1) and (3, -7):
Change in y: -7 - 1 = -8
Change in x: 3 - (-2) = 3 + 2 = 5
So, the slope between these two points is -8/5 as well.

Since the slope is constant between all pairs of points, the slope of the line represented by the table of values is -8/5.

Therefore, the correct answer is -8/5.