No shoe hairs have an interesting adoption that helps protect them against predators depending on the season therefore can be a different color during the winter snowshoe hares are white which helps them blend in the snow when the seasons change the spring and summer snowshoe hairs turn a gray brown this color helps them camouflage with dirt and rocks the hind legs of a snowshoe hair are large and have more fur and larger toes than those of other rabbits or hairs these adaptions provide additional surface area and support for walking on snow as the climate warms and the amount of snowfall decreases we could expect to see other changes in the snowshoe population what change would we not expect to see a lesser be smaller toes see shorter legs D shorter ears

We would not expect to see a change in the size of their toes, as the larger toes are specifically adapted to help them walk on snow. Shorter legs and ears would not provide any advantages in the snowy environment, so it is unlikely that these traits would change in the snowshoe hare population.