identifying which aspects of politics from the four definitions are at play in one of the following contemporary conflicts: Russia- Ukraine.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine involves multiple aspects of politics from the four definitions provided.

1. The conflict involves the exercise of power as both countries compete for control over territories such as Crimea and the Donbas region. Russia has used military force to annex Crimea and support separatist movements in eastern Ukraine, while Ukraine has sought to resist Russian influence and assert its sovereignty.

2. The conflict also involves the distribution of resources, as both countries are competing for control over valuable natural resources and strategic assets in the region. The annexation of Crimea by Russia has given them access to important gas reserves in the Black Sea, while Ukraine relies on these resources for its own energy needs.

3. Ideological differences also play a role in the conflict, as Russia seeks to assert its influence in former Soviet territories and maintain a sphere of influence in the region, while Ukraine seeks to align itself with Western powers and pursue closer ties with the European Union and NATO.

4. The conflict also involves the resolution of conflicts and the management of diverse interests, as both countries struggle to find a diplomatic solution to the ongoing conflict and address the grievances of different ethnic and political groups within their respective populations.