Make up a song about a school mascot that is a maggot

Verse 1:

In the halls of our school, there's a mascot that's cool
A little maggot, always breaking the rules
With his tiny legs, he's always on the move
Spreading school spirit, he's got nothing to prove

Maggot, oh maggot, crawling with pride
Representing our school, always by our side
Spreading joy and laughter, he's our guiding light
Our maggot mascot, shining so bright

Verse 2:
He may be small, but his heart is so big
Cheering on our team, doing a little jig
With his slimy skin and his shiny eyes
He's the perfect mascot, a big surprise

Maggot, oh maggot, crawling with pride
Representing our school, always by our side
Spreading joy and laughter, he's our guiding light
Our maggot mascot, shining so bright

Some may laugh and some may jeer
But our maggot mascot, he's without fear
He's unique and special, one of a kind
Bringing our school together, in body and mind

Maggot, oh maggot, crawling with pride
Representing our school, always by our side
Spreading joy and laughter, he's our guiding light
Our maggot mascot, shining so bright

So here's to our maggot, our mascot so dear
Bringing us together, year after year
In the heart of our school, he'll always be
Our maggot mascot, for all to see.