A Response area has no dimension. It is an abstract idea of a location in space. A line has Response area dimension(s). An edge is a line segment where two faces meet. A Response area has 2 dimensions, with 2 different variables - each representing one of the dimensions. When we are talking about Response area , we are looking at the measure of a one dimensional representation. When we are talking about Response area , we are looking at the space inside of a two dimensional figure. When we are talking about Response area , we are looking at the total space enclosed by a three dimensional figure. plane point 1 3 0 2 4 circular length area volume

I'm sorry, but it seems like your message is a little jumbled and hard to follow. It seems like you are discussing the concept of dimensionality in geometry, but the transition between topics is unclear. To clarify, a plane is a two-dimensional flat surface, a point has zero dimensions, and a circular shape has one dimension (its circumference for length, its area for two dimensions, and its volume would not be applicable in this case as it is a two-dimensional shape). If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, please feel free to ask.