Connected the people places and events

3. William Howard Taft
4. _ Joe Jackson
5. _ Anita Pollitzer

6. _ Richard I. Manning

7. _ Ben Tillman

8. _ Upton Sinclair

9. _ W.E.B. Du Bois

10. _ Booker T. Washington

A. This Jewish person from Charleston played an important role in the women's suffrage movement.
B. This person opened the Tuskegee Institute, which taught Black students farming and trade skills in addition to regular academic subjects.
C. This progressive president served between Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson.
D. South Carolina's most progressive governor, whose list of accomplishments include increased funding for schools, mandatory school attendance laws, and tax reforms.
E. This person was the first African American to earn a PhD at Harvard University and went on to organize the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
F. This individual wrote The Jungle.
G. This legendary baseball player got his start in South Carolina's textile league.
H. This Populist rose to power in South Carolina and challenged the Bourbon Democrats. He would achieve many Populists goals, but on matters of race he would work to restore white supremacy.

3. William Howard Taft - C

4. Shoeless Joe Jackson - G
5. Anita Pollitzer - A
6. Richard I. Manning - D
7. Ben Tillman - H
8. Upton Sinclair - F
9. W.E.B. Du Bois - E
10. Booker T. Washington - B