14in 13in 17in 6.5in 8.5in find the surface area of the two tired steps which answers 1409.5in 2.320.5in 1171.5in 879in

First, we need to calculate the surface area of each step separately.

Step 1: Surface Area of the first step (bottom step)
Surface area = 14in * 17in + 6.5in * 8.5in
Surface area = 238in2 + 55.25in2
Surface area = 293.25in2

Step 2: Surface Area of the second step (top step)
Surface area = 14in * 13in
Surface area = 182in2

Total surface area of both steps = 293.25in2 + 182in2
Total surface area = 475.25in2

Therefore, the correct answer is not provided in the options given. The total surface area of the two-tiered steps is 475.25in2.