Security and stability

Entrepreneurial Creativity
Autonomy and Interdependence

Will these above 3 career anchors hinder or support my career choice if i intend on being an Industrial Psychologist and how??

Security and stability may hinder your career choice as an Industrial Psychologist because this field can be unpredictable and may not always offer a traditional sense of job security. However, having a sense of stability can also provide a foundation for taking risks and pursuing innovative approaches in your work.

Entrepreneurial creativity can support your career choice as an Industrial Psychologist by allowing you to think outside the box and develop unique solutions to organizational challenges. This can help you stand out in the field and attract clients or job opportunities.

Autonomy and interdependence may both support and hinder your career choice as an Industrial Psychologist. Autonomy can allow you to take ownership of your work and make independent decisions, which can be beneficial in this field. However, interdependence is also important in industrial psychology, as collaboration and teamwork are often necessary to achieve organizational goals. Finding a balance between autonomy and interdependence will be key to success in this career.