Pierce isn't getting enough sleep and suspects it is due to spending too much time on his phone before bed. Over the next several days, he decided to track how much time he spends on his phone, x, and how many hours of sleep he gets, y.

Hours on the phone before bed Hours of sleep
0.4 9
1.4 4
1.7 8
2.5 5
3.3 4

(4 points)
Use the Desmos graphing calculator (right-click and open on new tab/screen) to calculate the following. Round numbers in the regression line to the nearest thousandths.


y=__x + ___

Using this regression line, how many hours of sleep would Pierce get if he was on his phone for 5 hours before bed?
c) -0.144
d)1. 276

r = -0.967

y = -0.392x + 9.315

If Pierce was on his phone for 5 hours before bed, he would get 7.303 hours of sleep. So the closest answer choice is:

a) 0.877