You've probably never heard of him, but Mansa Musa is the richest person ever. The 14th century emperor from West Africa was worth a staggering $400 billion, after adjusting for inflation, as calculated by Celebrity Net Worth. To put that number into perspective - if that's even possible - Net Worth's calculations mean Musa's fortune was far greater that of the current world's richest man Carlos Slim Helú and family..

• According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, when Musa died sometime in the 1330s, he left behind an empire filled with palaces and mosques, some of which still stand today. But the emperor really turned historic heads for the over-the-top
extravagances of his 1324 pilgrimage to Mecca. The trip was hosted by the leaders of both Mecca and Cairo and apparently was so brilliant, it 'almost put Africa's sun to shame. Musa's wealth was a result of his country's vast natural resources. The West African nation was responsible for more than half of the world's salt and gold
supply, according to Net Worth. Of course, the entry also notes that the fortune was also fleeting. Just two generations later. his net worth was gone - wasted by invaders and infighting. The legend surrounding Mansa Musa could also exaggerate the reality of his wealth, as tales of his actual value are difficult to
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This source tells us that Mansa Musa was the richest person ever, with a fortune of $400 billion adjusted for inflation, derived from his country's vast natural resources of salt and gold.