there was a story that the present box has been made with some pieces pf the box that has preceded it, the one that has been constructed when the first people settled down to make a village here every year after the lottery mr summers began talking again about a new box bht every year the subject was allowed to fade off without anything being done

about it. People were content with the current box and didn't see the need for a new one.

However, over time, the box started showing signs of wear and tear. The wood was splintered, the paint chipped, and it looked like it could fall apart any minute. The villagers began to worry about the safety of the box and what would happen if it broke during the annual lottery.

Finally, one year, a group of concerned villagers approached Mr. Summers and asked him to consider making a new box. They explained their concerns and showed him the state of the current box. Mr. Summers agreed and together they worked to create a new, sturdy box for the lottery.

The new box was made using pieces of the old box, symbolizing the continuity of tradition while also ensuring the safety of the villagers. The villagers were pleased with the new box and felt a sense of pride in knowing that they had contributed to its creation.

From then on, every year before the lottery, the villagers would gather to admire the new box and remember the importance of preserving their traditions while also embracing change when necessary. It became a symbol of their community spirit and resilience, showing that they could adapt and grow while still honoring their past.