whats the Correct way to clean and organize an house

1. Start by decluttering - go through each room and get rid of any items that you no longer need or use.

2. Create a cleaning schedule - break down the cleaning tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to stay on top of maintaining a clean house.

3. Gather cleaning supplies - make sure you have all the necessary cleaning products and tools before you start cleaning.

4. Start from the top - dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, and high shelves before moving on to lower surfaces.

5. Clean room by room - focus on one room at a time to ensure thorough cleaning and organizing.

6. Organize storage spaces - make sure that items are properly organized and stored to maximize space and minimize clutter.

7. Don't forget about deep cleaning tasks - make sure to clean overlooked areas such as baseboards, windows, and under furniture.

8. Regularly maintain organization - make sure to put items back in their designated places and clean up messes as they occur to prevent clutter from building up.

9. Get the whole family involved - assign tasks to each family member to help keep the house clean and organized.

10. Consider hiring a professional cleaning service - if you are overwhelmed, consider hiring a professional cleaning service to help with deep cleaning and organization.