Volume of Composite 3D Figures answers

To find the volume of a composite 3D figure, you can break it down into its individual components and then calculate the volume of each component separately. Once you have the volumes of the individual components, you can add them together to find the total volume of the composite figure.

For example, if you have a composite figure made up of a rectangular prism and a cylinder, you would calculate the volume of the rectangular prism by multiplying its length, width, and height. Then, you would calculate the volume of the cylinder by multiplying its radius squared, height, and pi (π). Finally, you would add the two volumes together to find the total volume of the composite figure.

Alternatively, you can also use integration techniques in calculus to find the volume of more complex composite 3D figures that cannot be easily broken down into simple geometric shapes. By setting up appropriate integrals and integrating over the appropriate bounds, you can find the volume of the entire composite figure in a single step.