Funny who am I questions and answer about Digestive function for Grade 6 students

1. Who am I? I help break down food into smaller pieces so our bodies can absorb nutrients.

Answer: Digestive enzymes

2. Who am I? I am a long, muscular tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach.

Answer: Esophagus

3. Who am I? I am the organ that stores bile and helps digest fats.

Answer: Gallbladder

4. Who am I? I am a fluid that helps break down food in the stomach.

Answer: Stomach acid

5. Who am I? I am a small, finger-like projection in the small intestine that helps absorb nutrients.

Answer: Villi

6. Who am I? I am a sack-like organ that stores and mixes food with digestive juices.

Answer: Stomach

7. Who am I? I am a series of muscles that push food through the digestive system.

Answer: Intestines

8. Who am I? I am a digestive organ that produces insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

Answer: Pancreas

9. Who am I? I am a flap of tissue that covers the windpipe when you swallow food.

Answer: Epiglottis

10. Who am I? I am the final destination for waste products that the body can't digest.

Answer: Rectum