Deena is putting up decorations for Hanukkah. One of her decorations is a picture of a spinning top called a dreidel. Her cutout is shown. What is the area of this dreidel?


To find the area of the dreidel cutout, we need to calculate the area of each individual shape and then add them together.

The dreidel is made up of a square and four identical right triangles. The length of each side of the square is 4 inches, so the area of the square is 4 inches multiplied by 4 inches, which is 16 square inches.

Next, we need to find the area of one of the right triangles. The base of each triangle is 2 inches (half of the square's side length) and the height is also 2 inches. The area of one triangle is 1/2 * base * height = 1/2 * 2 inches * 2 inches = 2 square inches.

Since there are four triangles, the total area of all four triangles is 4 * 2 square inches = 8 square inches.

Finally, we add the area of the square and the total area of the triangles together: 16 square inches (square) + 8 square inches (triangles) = 24 square inches.

Therefore, the area of the dreidel cutout is 24 square inches.