Nicole has a stack of nickels and a stack of Dimes she has a total of 24 coins with a total value of $2 what is the total value in dollars of the stack of Dimes

Let's represent the number of nickels as 'n' and the number of dimes as 'd'.

From the problem, we know that:

n + d = 24 (equation 1)
0.05n + 0.10d = 2 (equation 2)

Solve equation 1 for n:
n = 24 - d

Now substitute n in equation 2:
0.05(24 - d) + 0.10d = 2
1.2 - 0.05d + 0.10d = 2
0.05d = 0.8
d = 16

So, Nicole has 16 dimes.

For the total value in dollars of the stack of dimes:
Value = number of dimes * value of each dime
Value = 16 * $0.10
Value = $1.60

Therefore, the total value in dollars of the stack of dimes is $1.60.