A bay contains three red four blue four yellow five green marbles only yellow marbles will be added to the bag how many yellow marble should be added to the bag to make the probability of choosing a yellow marble 1/3

There are currently 4 yellow marbles out of a total of 16 marbles in the bag (3 red + 4 blue + 4 yellow + 5 green).

To make the probability of choosing a yellow marble 1/3, we need to add a certain number of yellow marbles to the bag.

Let the number of yellow marbles to be added be x. The total number of marbles in the bag after adding x yellow marbles would be 16 + x.

The probability of choosing a yellow marble after x yellow marbles are added would be (4 + x) / (16 + x).

According to the question, we want this probability to be 1/3:

(4 + x) / (16 + x) = 1/3

Cross multiplying, we get:

3(4 + x) = 16 + x

12 + 3x = 16 + x

2x = 4

x = 2

Therefore, 2 yellow marbles should be added to the bag to make the probability of choosing a yellow marble 1/3.