6. Describe the term Aspiration which is used as a technique to help children with pronunciation.

Aspiration is a technique used in speech therapy to help children improve their pronunciation of certain sounds, particularly consonant sounds. When a sound is aspirated, there is a strong burst of air released as the sound is produced. This can help make the sound clearer and more distinct.

During aspiration exercises, a speech therapist may work with a child to practice producing certain sounds with a strong burst of air. This can help the child learn how to properly position their mouth and vocal cords to create the desired sound.

For example, in English, the sounds /p/, /t/, and /k/ are typically aspirated at the beginning of a word, while the sounds /b/, /d/, and /g/ are not. By practicing aspiration techniques, children can learn to differentiate between these sounds and improve their overall pronunciation.

Overall, aspiration is a valuable technique for helping children develop clearer and more accurate speech patterns. It can be particularly beneficial for children who struggle with certain speech sounds or have difficulty being understood by others.