Question 1

A)A student claims that viruses are alive because they have genetic material and can reproduce. Is this student’s claim correct?(1 point)

No, viruses are not alive because they rely on a host organism to be able to reproduce.
No, viruses are not alive because they rely on a host organism to be able to reproduce.

No, viruses are not alive because they do not have genetic material nor can they reproduce.
No, viruses are not alive because they do not have genetic material nor can they reproduce.

Yes, viruses are alive because they can reproduce.
Yes, viruses are alive because they can reproduce.

Yes, viruses are alive because they have genetic material.
Yes, viruses are alive because they have genetic material.
Question 2
A)Of the five characteristics of living things, which one is required for the species to survive but does not have to apply to an individual?(1 point)

response to the environment
response to the environment

use of energy to function
use of energy to function

growth and change over a life cycle
growth and change over a life cycle

Question 3
A)Plant cells can use energy from the sun to make food. Animal cells cannot. Which organelle is responsible for this difference between plant and animal cells?(1 point)

cell wall
cell wall


plasma membrane
plasma membrane

central vacuole
central vacuole
Question 4
A)Which statement about plasma membranes is correct?(1 point)

Both plant cells and animal cells have flexible plasma membranes.
Both plant cells and animal cells have flexible plasma membranes.

Plant cells have cell walls instead of plasma membranes.
Plant cells have cell walls instead of plasma membranes.

Plant cells have rigid plasma membranes.
Plant cells have rigid plasma membranes.

Animal cells have cell membranes instead of plasma membranes,
Animal cells have cell membranes instead of plasma membranes,
Question 5
A)Which organelle processes sugar?(1 point)

endoplasmic reticulum
endoplasmic reticulum



central vacuole
central vacuole
Question 6
A)What is the function of the plasma membrane? (1 point)

It helps recognize other cells.
It helps recognize other cells.

It helps plants maintain their shape.
It helps plants maintain their shape.

It helps filter waste inside the cell.
It helps filter waste inside the cell.

It contains hereditary material.
It contains hereditary material.
Question 7
A)Which statement is correct about the function of a pseudopod? (1 point)

It helps multicellular organisms reproduce.
It helps multicellular organisms reproduce.

It helps unicellular organisms move.
It helps unicellular organisms move.

It helps unicellular organisms reproduce.
It helps unicellular organisms reproduce.

It helps multicellular organisms move.
It helps multicellular organisms move.
Question 8
A)Which function is due to specialized cells found only in plants? (1 point)

carrying oxygen to other cells
carrying oxygen to other cells

signalling muscles to move
signalling muscles to move

digesting food
digesting food

Question 9
A)How are leaf cells and root cells different? (1 point)

Leaf cells can absorb nutrients from the air, but root cells require soil to absorb nutrients.
Leaf cells can absorb nutrients from the air, but root cells require soil to absorb nutrients.

Leaf cells can reproduce, but root cells cannot.
Leaf cells can reproduce, but root cells cannot.

Leaf cells have nuclei, but root cells do not.
Leaf cells have nuclei, but root cells do not.

Leaf cells have chloroplasts, but root cells do not.

Leaf cells have chloroplasts, but root cells do not.

all of them

I'm sorry for the confusion, but it seems like you want all the options to be correct. However, for the specific question "How are leaf cells and root cells different?" the correct response would be "Leaf cells have chloroplasts, but root cells do not." as the other options are not accurate distinctions between leaf cells and root cells. Let me know if you have any other questions or need further clarification.

can you answer all my qustions please i need it done soon

Sure, here are the answers to all of your questions:

Question 1: No, viruses are not alive because they rely on a host organism to be able to reproduce.

Question 2: Response to the environment

Question 3: chloroplast

Question 4: Both plant cells and animal cells have flexible plasma membranes.

Question 5: mitochondrion

Question 6: It helps recognize other cells.

Question 7: It helps unicellular organisms move.

Question 8: photosynthesis

Question 9: Leaf cells have chloroplasts, but root cells do not.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

Chloroplasts play an important role in energy production in plant cells. However, some parts of a plant, like the roots, lack chloroplasts. In one to two sentences, explain the most likely pathway for root cells to obtain energy, and identify the organelles involved. make it short the answer make one that is completly new

Root cells likely obtain energy through the process of cellular respiration, which occurs in the mitochondria. This process converts glucose into ATP, the energy currency of the cell, providing the necessary energy for root cell functions.

In three to five sentences, explain why animal cells do not require a cell wall or a central vacuole for their functions.

Animal cells do not require a cell wall because they obtain their structural support from the cytoskeleton, a network of protein filaments that help maintain cell shape and provide mechanical support. Additionally, animal cells do not have a central vacuole because they do not need a large central storage organelle for nutrients, waste products, or maintaining turgor pressure. Instead, animal cells have smaller vacuoles that play specific roles such as storage of molecules or removal of waste. The absence of a cell wall and central vacuole in animal cells allows for greater flexibility and versatility in their functions, such as cell movement and communication through cell junctions.

make shorter

Animal cells do not require a cell wall or central vacuole because they rely on other structures like the cytoskeleton for support and smaller vacuoles for storage. This allows animal cells to be more flexible in their functions, such as movement and communication.