find the volume of a cylinder with a height of 12 in and a diameter of 8 in. use 3.14 for pi

a. 150.72 cubic in
b. 1,808.64 cubic in
c. 2,411.52 cubic in
d. 602.88 cubic in

The radius of the cylinder is half the diameter, so the radius is 8/2 = 4 in.

The formula for the volume of a cylinder is V = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height.

Plugging in our values, we get V = 3.14 * 4^2 * 12
V = 3.14 * 16 * 12
V = 3.14 * 192
V = 602.88 cubic in

So, the correct answer is d. 602.88 cubic in.