the metro bus traveled 275 miles and uses 55 gallons of gas during its route

how far does the bus travel on 1 gallon of gas

To calculate how far the bus travels on 1 gallon of gas, you can use the following formula:

Distance traveled per gallon = Total distance traveled / Total gallons of gas used

Distance traveled per gallon = 275 miles / 55 gallons
Distance traveled per gallon = 5 miles

Therefore, the bus travels 5 miles on 1 gallon of gas.

a case of 24 water bottles contains 192 ounces of water

how many ounces are in each water bottle? enter the unit rate to complete the statement

there are ? ounces per bottle

To determine the number of ounces per water bottle in a case of 24 containing 192 ounces in total, you can divide the total number of ounces by the number of bottles in the case:

Ounces per bottle = Total ounces / Number of bottles
Ounces per bottle = 192 ounces / 24 bottles
Ounces per bottle = 8 ounces

Therefore, there are 8 ounces per water bottle in the case.

the pacific seashore is sometimes referred to as the giant sea horse. this species lives in the eastern pacific ocean.

as a part of its diet a pacific seahorse eats about 56 shrimp per week. it eats the same amount each day

To find out how many shrimp the pacific seahorse eats per day, we can divide the total number of shrimp it eats per week by the number of days in a week:

Shrimp per day = Shrimp per week / Days per week
Shrimp per day = 56 shrimp / 7 days
Shrimp per day = 8 shrimp

Therefore, the Pacific seahorse eats about 8 shrimp per day.

mr rivera is making a healthy dessert for his nephew who has diabetes he wants to choose the recipe with the least amount of sugar per serving apple crisp has 8 servings and contains 80 grams of sugar greek frozen yogurt has 12 servings and contains 60 grams of sugar

how much suguar per serving does each dessert have? complete the statements with the unit rate

apple crisp has ? grams of sugar per serving
greek frozen yogurt has ? grams of sugar per serving

To calculate the amount of sugar per serving in each dessert, divide the total grams of sugar by the number of servings for each dessert:

For Apple Crisp:
Sugar per serving = Total grams of sugar / Number of servings
Sugar per serving = 80 grams / 8 servings
Sugar per serving = 10 grams

So, Apple Crisp has 10 grams of sugar per serving.

For Greek Frozen Yogurt:
Sugar per serving = Total grams of sugar / Number of servings
Sugar per serving = 60 grams / 12 servings
Sugar per serving = 5 grams

Therefore, Greek Frozen Yogurt has 5 grams of sugar per serving.

mrs garcias sandwhich shop sells a 6 inch sandwich for 3.00 and 12 inch sandwhich for 4.80 keisha wants to compare the unit rates to determine which sandwich is the better deal

which statement correctly compares the unit rates

a 12 inch sandwich is the better deal because is costs 0.40 per inch, and the 6 inch sandwich costs 0.50 per inch

a 12 inch sandwich is the better deal because is costs 0.40 per inch and the 6 inch sandwich costs 0.80 per inch

a 6 inch sandwich is the better deal because 3.00 is less than 4.80

a 6 inch sandwich is the better deal because it costs 0.25 per inch, and the 12 inch sandwich costs 0.50 per inch

To determine which sandwich is the better deal, we need to calculate the cost per inch for each sandwich.

For the 6-inch sandwich:
Cost per inch = Total cost / Length of the sandwich
Cost per inch = $3.00 / 6 inches
Cost per inch = $0.50 per inch

For the 12-inch sandwich:
Cost per inch = Total cost / Length of the sandwich
Cost per inch = $4.80 / 12 inches
Cost per inch = $0.40 per inch

Comparing the unit rates:
- The 12-inch sandwich costs $0.40 per inch
- The 6-inch sandwich costs $0.50 per inch

The correct statement that compares the unit rates is: "a 12 inch sandwich is the better deal because it costs 0.40 per inch, and the 6 inch sandwich costs 0.50 per inch."