Describe two reasons why a person with CAIS is infertile

1. Lack of functional reproductive organs: Individuals with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS) have a genetic mutation that affects the development of their reproductive organs. Specifically, they have a defect in the androgen receptor gene, which results in their bodies being unable to respond to male hormones (androgens) like testosterone. As a result, their reproductive organs do not develop fully or function properly, leading to infertility.

2. Absence of functional ovaries: While individuals with CAIS have XY chromosomes, they typically have undescended testes that produce androgens but not functional sperm. Additionally, due to the lack of response to androgens, their bodies develop typically female secondary sexual characteristics, including the absence of functional ovaries. Without functional ovaries, individuals with CAIS are unable to produce eggs and therefore cannot conceive naturally.