What is the altitude of the Sun for someone in Montreal, Canada (46°N), on December 22 at 12:00pm ?

To calculate the altitude of the Sun for someone in Montreal, Canada (46°N) on December 22 at 12:00 pm, we can use the following formula:

Altitude = 90° - (Latitude + Declination)

First, we need to calculate the declination of the Sun on December 22. The declination of the Sun changes throughout the year and can be found in a solar declination table.

For December 22, the declination of the Sun is approximately -23.5°.

Now we can plug in the values into the formula:

Altitude = 90° - (46° + (-23.5°))
Altitude = 90° - (46° - 23.5°)
Altitude = 90° - 22.5°
Altitude = 67.5°

Therefore, the altitude of the Sun for someone in Montreal, Canada on December 22 at 12:00 pm is approximately 67.5°.