Groups such as the Stronghold Society are helping to build skateparks on Native American reservations. Explain why they are doing this and how skateboarding is helping the reservations' young people. Use facts and details from the Article in your response.

The Stronghold Society is building skateparks on Native American reservations to provide a positive outlet for the reservations' young people. According to the article, many reservations lack recreational facilities and resources for youth, leading to high rates of substance abuse, suicide, and other issues. Skateboarding offers a healthy and fun activity for young people to engage in, helping them stay active and build confidence.

The article explains that skateboarding can also help youth on reservations develop valuable skills such as perseverance, determination, and teamwork. Through skateboarding, young people can learn to overcome challenges and build a sense of community and camaraderie with their peers. Additionally, skateparks can serve as safe spaces for young people to gather and socialize, reducing feelings of isolation and providing a sense of belonging.

Overall, the Stronghold Society's efforts to build skateparks on Native American reservations are making a positive impact on the reservations' young people by providing them with opportunities for physical activity, skill development, and community building. By supporting these efforts, organizations are helping to improve the well-being and quality of life for youth on reservations.