A student drops a basketball into a pool from the high of 5 m while they Fran records the approximate splash height they want to make a bigger splash and their next trial how can they achieve this

1. Increase the height from which the basketball is dropped: By increasing the height from which the basketball is dropped, the impact force upon hitting the water will be greater, resulting in a bigger splash. However, this may also result in a larger splash radius, so caution should be taken to ensure safety.

2. Increase the weight of the basketball: A heavier basketball will create a larger splash upon impact with the water. This can be achieved by adding weights to the basketball before dropping it into the pool.

3. Throw the basketball into the pool instead of dropping it: By throwing the basketball into the pool with more force, the impact with the water will create a bigger splash compared to simply dropping it from a height.

4. Use a larger basketball: A larger basketball will displace more water upon impact, resulting in a bigger splash. However, it may be more difficult to throw or drop a larger basketball accurately, so caution and practice are recommended.

5. Consider the surroundings: It's important to consider the surroundings and make sure there is enough space for a bigger splash without causing any damage or inconvenience. The pool should be deep enough to accommodate a larger splash without causing any harm to the student or the pool itself.