Poems and narrative that refer to the landscape. From these, identify:3 sets of preposition of time,3 cause and effect scenarios,3 collective nouns

Poem 1: The tall trees reached up to the sky

In the meadow where the sun rose high
Every morning, the birds would sing
And the flowers would sway and cling

Narrative 1: As the sun set behind the mountains, the cool evening breeze swept through the valley. The stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, casting a soft glow on the landscape below. In the distance, a lone wolf howled, sending shivers down my spine.

Poem 2: The river flowed gently through the green valley
Where the mountains stood tall and grand
The clouds drifted lazily in the blue sky
And the sun painted the world with its golden hand

Narrative 2: The storm rolled in with dark clouds looming overhead. Thunder rumbled in the distance as the first drops of rain fell, quickly turning into a downpour. The once dry landscape was soon transformed into a muddy mess, with streams forming and puddles pooling everywhere.

Poem 3: The fields stretched out for miles around
Where the cows grazed peacefully on the green
The mountains loomed in the distance
As the sun set behind the scene

Narrative 3: The earthquake shook the ground, causing trees to sway and buildings to tremble. Rocks tumbled down the mountainside, creating landslides that blocked off roads and paths. The once serene landscape was now a chaotic mess of destruction.

Sets of preposition of time:
1. Every morning
2. As the sun set
3. In the darkening sky

Cause and effect scenarios:
1. The storm rolled in with dark clouds looming overhead (cause) - turning into a downpour (effect)
2. The earthquake shook the ground (cause) - creating landslides that blocked off roads and paths (effect)
3. The once dry landscape was soon transformed into a muddy mess (cause) - streams forming and puddles pooling everywhere (effect)

Collective nouns:
1. The birds
2. The cows
3. The mountains