Why did the free state department of human settlements not achieve values for money

There could be various reasons why the Free State Department of Human Settlements did not achieve value for money in their operations. Some possible reasons could include:

1. Inefficient use of resources: The department may have wasted funds on unnecessary expenses or projects that did not deliver the intended outcomes.

2. Lack of proper planning and oversight: The department may have failed to properly plan and monitor their projects, leading to cost overruns and delays.

3. Poor procurement practices: The department may have engaged in corruption or ineffective procurement practices that resulted in inflated costs and poor quality outcomes.

4. Inadequate monitoring and evaluation: The department may not have had proper mechanisms in place to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their programs, leading to inefficiencies and wasted resources.

5. Lack of transparency and accountability: The department may have lacked proper mechanisms for reporting and accountability, allowing for mismanagement and misuse of funds.