a rectangular pyramid has a volume of 10 cm^3 . What is the volume of a rectangular prism given is has a congruent base and height to the pyramid.

Since the rectangular pyramid and the rectangular prism have congruent bases and heights, they have the same dimensions.

The volume of a rectangular pyramid is given by the formula V = (1/3) * B * h, where B is the area of the base and h is the height.

Given that the volume of the rectangular pyramid is 10 cm^3, we have:

10 = (1/3) * B * h

Multiplying both sides by 3, we get:

30 = B * h

This means the area of the base (B) multiplied by the height (h) of the rectangular prism is equal to 30.

Since the base and height are congruent for both shapes, the volume of the rectangular prism will also be 30 cm^3.